
Hurricane Beryl – July 2024 NOAA Goes East satellite

Support to the Apiculture Sector, in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl

In the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, the Association of Caribbean Beekeepers’ Organizations (ACBO), the region’s main apicultural body, reached out to MannLake Bee & Agricultural Supplies, the region’s largest supplier, for assistance for CARICOM member state countries that were affected by the passage of the Hurricane Beryl.

MannLake Bee & Agricultural Supplies quickly responded in partnership with Greater Good Charities, a global nonprofit, to provide some much-needed assistance to the region. They have dispatched four shipments of pollen substitute to the affected CARICOM states – Barbados, Grenada, Jamaica, St. Vincent & The Grenadines – valued at USD 48,500.00. These much-needed supplies will begin arriving in the affected Countries in the third week of September 2024, it is estimated that approximately 70,000 colonies and over 500 beekeepers across the four islands will benefit from this relief.

ACBO President Richard Matthias indicated that, after the hurricane, nutrition for the bees was most critical. Many of the affected islands would have had their flora severely damaged, leaving colonies of bees to starve to death, jeopardizing the livelihoods of beekeepers and the recovery of the agro-forestry sector. This support from MannLake Bee & Agricultural Supplies and Greater Good Charities will enable beekeepers in affected territories to maintain healthy strong colonies whilst natural ecosystems recover.

Mr. Matthias expressed sincerest thanks, on behalf of himself and the beneficiaries of the receiving islands, to MannLake Bee & Agricultural Supplies, Greater Good Charities, and the Ministries of Agriculture , OECS Secretariat and FAO for their logistical support in the respective countries.